Pet Show Returns

May 11


You Light Up Our Lives!

YOU DID IT. Thank you to all who contributed to the fund to save our tree. We have raised the $1900 that we needed to pay for the care and feeding of the Norfolk Spruce High Falls Community Christmas Tree. Spruce Gall Be Gone!

Who We Are

We are teachers and students. We are administrators and entrepreneurs. We are poets, painters, performers. We are local businesses providing goods, services, food and gathering places. We work on your roads. We are mothers and daughters, sons and fathers – grandpas and bubbies. We sing, we wouldn’t dare! We knit, sew, grow vegetables, grow weary. We run in the Gunks, we hike them, we know them like the back of our hand. We wave to you on the Marbletown O&W Rail Trail. We have been here all our lives and we moved here last year. JOIN US AND BELONG.

We are excited about bringing back all our events

starting with the Pet Show on Saturday, May 11. 10:00AM

We Light Up Your Life!

For more than 78 years, the “Civic” has underwritten and produced a holiday gift to the community: the High Falls Christmas Tree lighting. Sometimes to great fanfare, sometimes just with a small crowd in bitter, bitter cold. One year, there was a glitch and there were no lights – really! According to the article in the newspaper, more than 100 people showed up for caroling, celebrating, enjoying cider, hot chocolate and soup and a good time was had by all. Let’s hear it for the glitch that didn’t steal Christmas!

We also hold a Hanukkah Menorah Lighting each year with the tree lighting, to celebrate a full Festival of Light and the eight days of remembrance.


We’re Serious About Fun.

And Food. And when they come together, nobody’s happier. George and Brigette Nagel, owners of The Spy Social Eatery in High Falls, are members of the Civic, and were tough to win over, like so many of our High Falls Pet Show judges. They awarded a ribbon to every cat, dog, gerbil, snail, donkey, parakeet, and even to some two legged contenders (pet/owner look alike category) because The Pet Show is Where Everyone’s A Winner. Shown here with Top Cat,Yvette Lee, one of the organizers of the Pet Show.